"2018 China-Korea International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications" Successfully Held in Shanghai University


"2018 China-Korea International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications (IRCTMT-AORC Joint Meeting)" took place on December 17th-20th, 2018 at New Lehu Hotel of Shanghai University, which was co-sponsored by International Research Center for Tensor and Matrix Theory (IRCTMT) from Shanghai University, China and the Applied Algebra and Optimization Research Center (AORC) from Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. There were about 100 participants from 10 countries and regions attending this academic event, including China, Korea, USA, Canada, UK, Japan, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Hong Kong. Under the auspices of Dr. He Zhuoheng, the opening ceremony opened at 8:20am.

Professor Qing-Wen Wang, the Director of IRCTMT and the “Shanghai Leading Talents”, began the conference with a warm welcome speech. Afterwards, Prof. Gi-Sang Cheon, the Director of AORC and Prof. Steve Kirkland, the former president of the International Congress of Linear Algebra and the head of Mathematics Department of the University of Manitoba, Canada, separately addressed impassioned remark. Finally, on behalf of conference committee, Prof. Chi-Kwong Li from the College of William & Mary, USA, the former vice president of the International Congress of Linear Algebra and “Overseas Prominent Educator”, delivered a welcome speech.

Beginning with 40-minute keynote talk given by Prof. Steve Kirkland, the former president of the International Congress of Linear Algebra and the head of Mathematics Department of the University of Manitoba, Canada, this conference involved 45 experts and scholars making wonderful talks. It included Prof. Man-Duen Choi from Mathematics Department of the University of Toronto, Canada, the fellow of The Academy of Science of the Royal Society of Canada; Prof. Chi-Kwong Li from the College of William & Mary, USA, the former vice president of the International Congress of Linear Algebra; Prof. Yiu-Tung Poon from Iowa State University, USA; Prof. Edward Poon from Embry-Riddle University, USA; Prof. Fuzhen Zhang from Nova Southeastern University, USA; Prof. Yang Zhang from University of Manitoba, Canada; Prof. Ying-Fen Lin from Queen’s University Belfast, UK; Prof. Fumio Hiai from Tohoku University, Japan; Prof. Bojan Kuzma from University of Primorska, Slovenia; Prof. Dijana Ilisevic from University of Zagreb, Croatia; Prof. Tamas Titkos from BBS University of Applied Sciences, Hungary; Prof. Gi-Sang Cheon from Sungkyunkwan University, Korea; Prof. Seok-Zun Song from Jeju National University, Korea; Prof. Jor-Ting Chan from The University of Hong Kong; Prof. Raymond Nung-Sing Sze from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Dr. Tingran Gao from University of Chicago, USA, etc. All these talks fully reflected the important research progresses of matrix theory in the frontier and cross-disciplinary fields. During the whole conference, participants spoke enthusiastically, exchanged ideas and shared their experiences, which brought a successful conclusion at 18:00pm on 19th, December.

This event strengthened the understanding of the current frontier study status and latest research results of matrix theory application in the field of quantum information theory, combinatorial mathematics, graph theory, computational mathematics, tensor theory, statistics, computer science, artificial intelligence, system cybernetics and graphic image processing etc., playing a positive role in further promoting communication and collaboration between Shanghai University and its counterparts at home and abroad.

Memorandum of Understanding was signed by IRCTMT and AORC on December, 2016, which agreed that the International Conference Series on Matrix Theory with Applications will be co-sponsored by two centers- IRCTMT and AORC. Discussed by the bilateral center organizing committee, “2019 China-Korea International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications” will be held at Jeju National University, Korea, from May 23rd to 27th, 2019.